Action 4.3 – Training course
Training course „I share, I care!“ is aimed for youth workers directly working with young people from different target groups or responsible for sharing and providing information about different opportunities (especially YiA programme) to young people, youth organizations, decision makers etc. Training course will take place in Otepää, small town in South-Estonia in Valga County and involve 20 participants from 10 countries across Europe (Estonia, Lithuania, Poland, Hungary, Italy, Spain, Slovenia, Bulgaria, Romania and Turkey). Training will be lead by intercultural team of trainers from Estonia and Bulgaria with the support of Estonian support team.
Training course helps to develop skills which are essential for this kind of activity: working with different target groups, understanding the concept of intercultural learning, developing personal learning process (LLL & L2L) in the context of non-formal learning. If the first part of training course is more general, the second part gets more concrete: first of all – what are the opportunities of YiA programme and developing participants’ knowledge of certain subprogrammes, also Youthpass as a important tool in valuing non-formal learning process is examined and introduced (and practiced). Secondly – we work on how to analyze the needs of different target groups, how to motivate them and provide them information (attractively) this way it would be useful for them. The training course also involves local specialists, multipliers and members of local youth organizations who have the chance to share experiences with seminar participants and make new contacts. In the end of training course participants have the chance to put their learning outcome into practice – they will participate in providing information in different places to different target groups (youth, youth with less opportunities, local municipality workers, unemployed youth, youth organizations etc) and this how they can get a real experience how is to provide information in different cultural environment. This is also important to make the training course visible and bring some benefit for the local organizations/youth etc.
Follow us in the facebook page:
1. Estonia - Seiklejate Vennaskond
2. Bulgaaria - Club Young Scientists
3. Spain - Asociación Juvenil "Inter"
4. Hungary - Hang-Kép Egyesület
5. Lithuania - Sudota Village Community
6. Slovenia - Zavod Mladniski center Kotlovnica Kamnik
7. Italy - Progettiamo… il futuro
8. Romania - Social Alternative and Human Capital
9. Poland - Akademickie Stowarzyszenie Propagatorow Prawa i Edukacji Europejskiej “Wspolna Europa”
10. Turkey - TREX – Tüm Renkler Eski Avrupa Gönüllü Hizmeti Günüllülerinin Genclik Dernegi
Profile of the participants:
· Actively involved in youth work
· Providing information to target groups or plan to do it (mainly information related to YiA, youth information)
· works directly with young people or works with people who work with young people
· Motivated fully participate in this training course
· Are NOT experienced specialists of YiA programme
· Are willing to carry out future activities on local level to inform different target groups about YiA programme and its opportunities after the TC
· Want to develop future YiA projects
· Is above 18 years
· Is able to work in English
· Will take actively part in preparation and follow-up activities (including filling in the application form and follow-up form)